Digital Leaders/Online Safety and Staying Safe
Digital Leaders
Key Stage 1
Isaac D, Finlay D, Frankie, Amber
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Key Stage 2
Blake L, Brydie, Zuzia, Frankie R, Lewis H, Mikey B, Mikey Mc, Arron, Scarlett, Paddy, Shauny, Owen Olivia, Quade.
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Simplified Social Media Terms and Conditions for Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube and WhatsApp
Children often don’t know what they’re signing up to when they join Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat, WhatsApp or Instagram. That’s why the Children’s Commissioner have worked with lawyers to create simplified versions of Terms and Conditions for the most popular social media platforms.
Young & eSafe
A wonderful new resource from the office of the Australian e-Safety Commissioner that can be used by schools and parents.
Screen Time boundaries
Advice for parents and carers with children aged 0 to 7.
Top Tips
1. Use digital devices together: Get involved in your child’s online activities. Have fun, play games and learn together online, just as you would in the physical world. It will then be natural for your child to turn to you if they experience anything upsetting online.
2. Set clear expectations: Clear family rules can help your child have a positive start to their digital life and get the most out of being online. Ask your child to help create some family rules.
3. Be informed: Many digital devices, services and content providers offer a range of parental controls. You can choose the type of content and options that are suitable for your child.
4. Establish good habits early on: Both adults and children enjoy sharing moments with family and friends through online images and videos. Starting conversations and good habits early on is a great way to support children in staying safe online.
Information and support
There is a wealth of information available to support schools, colleges and parents to keep children safe online. The following list is not exhaustive but should provide a useful starting point:
Organisation/Resource | What it does/provides |
thinkuknow | NCA CEOPs advice on online safety |
disrespectnobody | Home Office advice on healthy relationships, including sexting and pornography |
UK safer internet centre | Contains a specialist helpline for UK schools and colleges |
swgfl | Includes a template for setting out online safety policies |
internet matters | Help for parents on how to keep their children safe online |
parentzone | Help for parents on how to keep their children safe online |
childnet cyberbullying | Guidance for schools on cyberbullying |
pshe association | Guidance and useful teaching resources covering online safety issues including pornography and the sharing of sexual images |
educateagainsthate | Practical advice for parents, teachers and governors on protecting children from extremism and radicalisation. |
the use of social media for online radicalisation | A briefing note for schools on how social media is used to encourage travel to Syria and Iraq |
UKCCIS | The UK Council for Child Internet Safety’s website provides:
• Sexting advice • Online safety: Questions for Governing Bodies • Education for a connected world framework |
NSPCC | NSPCC advice for schools and colleges |
net-aware | NSPCC advice for parents |
commonsensemedia | Independent reviews, age ratings, & other information about all types of media for children and their parents |
searching screening and confiscation | Guidance to schools on searching children in schools and confiscating items such as mobile phones |
lgfl | Advice and resources from the London Grid for Learning |
In the News
Snapchat have introduced a new feature, Snap Map, which allows users to share their location with other Snap Chat users. Parents can turn this feature off their children’s phones by setting the app to ghost mode. Remember, keep our children safe at all times!
Do you know the Online Safety lingo?
Phishing – the attempt to obtain sensitive information, such as usernames and passwords, often for malicious reasons and by disguising as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.
Roasting – cyberbullying in which girls gang up on boys and bully them until they crack using social media such as WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook.
Do you know the shorthand language your children may be using when they are online?
POS – Parent over shoulder
IHU – I hate you
KOTL – Kiss on the lips
Meet The Teacher
Our Meet The Teacher events were an opportunity for families to devise their own e-safety rules for home and to help staff support their awareness of online safety.
Digital Parenting Nov
Remember to read this super magazine to help your online and digital safety with your family.
Spring on-line safety week Knowsley Booklets
Our classes all completed fun activities that supported their online learning. Yr 5 completed their “Rings of Responsibility.”
Unicef believe that there are 3 ways to be digitally literate:-
- technically literate/ children should understand their communication and technical skills;
- media literare/ children should understand different platforms such as Twitter broadcasts to anyone and they should be able to judge if information is reliable;
- socially literate/ they should understand how to keep in touch with people online and what you should expect to experience from others online.
The right to be digitally literate
Children need to be helped not left behind by technology. they need to understand its potential and how it is structured and to be confident in ways of using it. They should be guided to interpret, understand and deal with it. As adults it is one of our roles to help children build their skills, confidence and creativity. We can’t shelter children from all risks online.
We should support their digital literacy.
3 tips for parents and carers
- have a conversation to help your child decide if clicking on a tab/image will be a risk;
- create a supportive environment and make this clear to your child. Encourage opportunities for research and positive connections with friends;
- don’t be too hands OFF, research shows that positive parental interest has a correlation with online resilience.
Click below for some questions to ask your child that are linked to online safety.
Share Aware…
How many ways can your children access the internet at home? iPads, phones, laptops, gaming devices? Please take a look at this new (Jan 2015) resource from the NSPCC. Share Aware
It is a guide for parents/ carers to give them advice about how to help your child stay safe when using social media.
There are lots more articles and links to websites further down this page that will help you learn more about using the internet and social media safely as well as show you how to place family restrictions on devices in your home.
Resources for parents are available for parents and children to help keep them safe. Go to
The NSPCC have just (January 2015) created a new resource for parents named ‘Share Aware’ to help you to help your child stay safe on social networks.
Online Internet Rules
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We know that it is good to be safe.
At St Michael and All Angels, we take online safety very seriously. Members of our staff and governers are trained inn the CEOP ‘Think You Know’ material and this year we have started to embed this material into our curriculum. As part of the esafety weeks every child took part in, all children took part in workshops to show them how to stay safe on the interent. Families should all have received a Digital Parenting magazine to provide them with extra advice and information about keeping safe online at home when they attended their children’s esafety assemblies. If you require a copy of this magazine, please call into the office.
The internet opens up so many educational and social opportunities for our children, whether on a computer at school, a laptop or tablet at home, a games console or a mobile phone. All of these devices allow your children to communicate with the wider world. As you would protect your chld in the real world,you will want to make sure that they are safer online. This page is designed to give you more information and tools to help make your child safer online.
On the bottom right hand side of this page, there is a red CEOP Report Abuse icon. Please use this if you need to report abuse on or misuse of the internet.
E-safety questionnaire
Many thanks to all parents and carers who completed the online esafety questionnaire. The survey showed that parents would like further information regarding setting parental controls, more details about social networking and new technologies.
The articles/ links below provide support on internet safety at home using a range of devices that have interent access. These links are to external sites. We hope you find them useful.
Advice on games consoles and other Internet sites:
Parents, please be aware of the need to set Privacy on to your Facebook account. By using the custom settings in the privacy section, it is possible to control what information is available about you and your child online. The custom option also allows you to preview your profile so that you can see what information people can access when they look at your profile. Remember, though, that this needs to be done EVERY time you upload new pictures or EVERYONE can see your photos!
Please also remember that the recommended age limit for Facebook accounts is 13 years and above. This age restriction is there to keep your child safe on the internet until they are of an age when they are more aware of, and able to control, their presence and profile on the internet.
Games consoles
Parental controls are now available on most consoles and devices that allow your child to access the internet. The links below will help you to set them:
- Game information and ratings Allows you to check which games are suitable for your child at their particular age
- XBox parental controls
- Nintendo devices parental controls
- ipad, ipod, iphone parental support
- Playstation devices parental controls
- Club Penguin support
Geo-tagging Smart phones and social networking sites
Many smartphones now come with geo-tagging facilities; this is a location based program that identifies the location of the user at a particular time. This can have implications for social networking sites.
If you have a facebook account and ‘check-in’, this facility allows others to see where you, or whoever is using the phone, are at any given time by bringing up the location on a map.
It is highly advisable to turn off the geo-tagging facilities on devices that your child may use.
Safe surfing
In school, content is filtered so that only appropriate sites and information can be accessed by children. Children are taught how to surf safely and about what to do if they come across content that makes them unhappy.
If you are looking for a safe internet search engine, there are a number of sites aimed at children. it is always advisable, however, to supervise your child when on the internet as the internet itself is unregulated.
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Get Safe Online – the UK’s leading source of unbiased, factual and easy-to-understand information on online safety. |
Think u Know – The Think U Know site has been developed by CEOP and is packed with information, games and resources for children of all ages. It is also a place where children can report something if they feel uncomfortable or worried about something that has happened online. |
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Childnet International – website to “help make the Internet a great and safe place for children”. |