
Our Attendance and Punctuality Lead is  Mrs Doyle.

Attendance Intention

At St Michael and All Angels Primary School we know that excellent attendance is the key to is the key to a successful schooling and a successful life.  We want to ensure that our children have the best educational educational experience and are ready to move to High School with all of the skills and knowledge that they need.

Coming to school everyday means:

  • learning new skills;
  • making friends;
  • learning to hold a conversation with others;
  • being independent;
  • taking part in new experinces;
  • sharing experinces with others;
  • being part of a Catholic community;
  • supporting others and fulfilling our Mission;
  • achieving well;
  • preparing for our future;
  • getting a great job in the future.


Our school attendance target this year is 95%.

Being on time is just as important.

Being 5 mins late each day means you have missed 3 learning days over a school year.

Be In The Line For 10 to 9 then you are ready to be in your seat at 5 to 9 and ready to learn. 


Good Attendance

Attendance is vitally important to the development of all children.

Good attendance means that children know and learn more.

They have strong relationships in class and can join in with enriching actvities.

Good punctuality ensures that children are preparing for life and the the world of employment.

When absent children miss:

  1. 5 lessons for the first day of absence 
  2. 10 lessons for 2 days absence 
  3. 15 lessons for 3 days absence
  4. 20 lessons for 4 days absence
  5. 25 lessons for 5 days absence.




St Michael and All Angels School does not authorise any holidays in term time unless returning to a country of origin for religious reasons.

All holidays should be requested via completing a "Holiday Request Form". This will support Safegaurding and school will know where children are during their absence. 







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St Michael & All Angels Primary School

Sidney Powell Avenue, Kirkby, L32 0TP

St Michael & All Angels Primary School, Sidney Powell Avenue, Kirkby, L32 0TP0151 477 8400[email protected]

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