Year 5 Class 11 - Miss Haigh and Class 12 - Mrs Bird 2024 - 2025

Mrs Bird

Miss Haigh

St Michael and All Angels Primary


Welcome to Year 5 

Class 11 Miss Haigh

Class 12 Mrs Bird


Our class page is where you will find important information about your child's time in Y6. 

If you have any concerns, questions or would simply like to talk to us, please do not hesitate to contact school to arrange a meeting.



Our Class Representatives


School Councillors  - Brooke, Lucas, Lexi and Isaac.

They will represent our class in school council meetings and share ideas from the children in our class.

Worship Warriors - Olivia N, Jessica C, Maddison and Stephen.

Eco Warriors - Elias, Myles, Lexi and Ella.

They will work as part of the Eco Team and help to make our school more eco-friendly.

Reading Ambassador -  Lola, Ava, Eloise and Isabelle.

Their role is to share a love of reading within the school.

Well-being Champion - Olivia R, Billy, Jessica G and Lydia

They will work hard to keep us motivated to be fit and healthy.

Digital Leader - Hallie V, Effie, Nancy and Ezra

Maths Champions - Henry, Teddy, Jakub and Brody


Important Information


During the Spring Term Year 5 will go swimming for P.E. Every Monday the children will need to bring their swimming kit, caps and towels up until Christmas.

For the rest of the year Y5 will take part in coach led sessions on a Monday. Topics will include rugby, basketball, dance and football. Children must come to school in their full school PE kit on these days.

P.E. Kits

Children should come to school in their P.E. kits which should include the following:

- Yellow T shirt

- Royal Blue shorts or dark blue or black tracksuit bottoms

- Jumper/cardigan

- Trainers or school black pumps



Each Friday children will be set a maths task. This must be completed and returned by the following Thursday. Those who have not completed their homework will be expected to do it during break time or golden time on Friday. 

We recommend that children in Y5 should be reading for a short 10 minute period each night. Children have the opportunity to choose a new reading book from the class library each week. Children have a reading record book to write the title of the book and the pages read. We would love to hear about their favourite parts of the story in a short sentence or two to describe what they have read. Children should bring their reading record books in each week to be checked and stamped.


Our curriculum

Our curriculum map can be found by clicking on the 'Year 5 Curriculum' link below. Here you will find each topic that we will be learning about each half term.

Click here → Year 5 Curriculum

Religious Education
Our Autumn topics are: Ourselves, Life Choices and Hope
Our Spring topics are: Mission, Memorial Sacrifice and Sacrifice
Our Summer topics are: Transformation, Freedom and Responsibility and Stewardship

Our Mission Statement

Believe- Achieve-Belong...together with Christ


In the light of St Michael the Archangel, we strive to be champions of all Christians and to the Church itself.


Christ Centred Aim - Believe

  • To live the Gospel values and live life to the full with forgiveness, love and respect and kindness for all

Teaching and Learning Aim - Achieve

  • To learn, grow and inspire as we act as role models when we care for others, the world and the environment

Community Aim - Belong

  • To be messengers of Christ opening a door to the Church for the community to share its Gospel values both locally and globally.


We pray that our patron, St Michael the Archangel protects our school, community and Church.




Our Prayer to St Michael

In the light of St Michael the Archangel, we strive to be champions of all Christians and to the Church itself.

We will believe, achieve and belong together with Christ.

We pray that our patron, St Michael the Archangel protects our school, community and Church.


At St Michael and All Angels, we strive to create a magical curriculum that engages our learners with life long learning powers, enabling them to enjoy a creative and enriching experiences  alongside their friends, staff and families.






KS 2 Online Safety Advice for Parents and Carers

All parents, carers, pupils and staff should emphasise and promote the importance of a safe online environment.  It is especially important for parents and carers to be aware of what their children are being asked to do online, including the sites they will be asked to use and to know the school staff their child will or may interact with.

We encourage parents and carers to provide age-appropriate supervision for the internet use of the children and young people in their care. Amongst other things, this should include:

  • talking to their children about not accessing age-inappropriate material on devices
  • knowing who their children are talking to online
  • setting up age-appropriate parental controls on digital devices. Internet filters should be used to block malicious websites (usually free, but often need to be turned on)
  • be aware of the content being posted online via Google Classroom

Pupils should be encouraged to speak up if they come across:

  • Harmful or upsetting content which can include radicalisation, nudes or semi-nudes
  • Bullying

Please contact school via telephone, email or in person if you want to report any concerns.

Top Tips

Be kind to each other online – Treat others with respect online. If someone upsets you, do not react. Block the person on your contacts list, tell an adult you trust and report them to the website. If being bullied, collect evidence for an adult to see by taking screen shots, saving pictures and emails.

Keep your personal information private – Think carefully before sharing information like where you live, your email address or where you go to school on your profile or when chatting online. You might be sharing your personal details with more people than you think.

Use strong passwords – Protect yourself from hackers by using passwords that are not easy for others to guess. Use a combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers and do not share your passwords with others, even your friends.

Not everyone is who they say they are – You may trust a friend really well but it can be easy to lie online. The picture or video could be of someone else or be faked. Think carefully about who you chat to and who you add as a friend online.

Check your privacy settings – Change your privacy settings so that only your friends can post on your profile and see the information that you share. Remember to check your privacy settings regularly as sites often update these leading you to share more personal information publicly than you may want to.

Trust your instincts – If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. You can make a choice. If you feel uncomfortable about talking to someone or what you’re being asked to do on a social networking site or chatroom, block them, tell an adult you trust and report it to the website.

Think before you post – Stop and think before filling out forms online, updating your status or posting up pictures and videos of yourself or your friends. Think about who can see what you post online, once shared you can easily lose control.

If you are worried tell an adult you trust - If you ever see anything online that upsets you or something happens that makes you feel uncomfortable talk to an adult you trust about it.

The importance of limited screen time – Explain why it is important to limit screen time and encourage engagement with nature, family and physical activity to promote health and wellbeing and good sleep practise.

The following further information will help parents and carers to keep their children safe online:

  • support for parents and carers to keep children safe from online harm, which provides extensive resources to help keep children safe online and details of specific online risks, including sexual abuse, criminal exploitation and radicalisation.
  • support to stay safe online, includes advice on security and privacy settings, content blocking and parental controls.
  • Thinkuknowprovides advice from the National Crime Agency (NCA) on staying safe online
  • Parent infois a collaboration between Parentzone and the NCA providing support and guidance for parents from leading experts and organisations
  • Childnetoffers a toolkit to support parents and carers of children of any age to start discussions about their online life, to set boundaries around online behaviour and technology use, and to find out where to get more help and support
  • Internet mattersprovides age-specific online safety checklists, guides on how to set parental controls on a range of devices, and a host of practical tips to help children get the most out of their digital world
  • London Grid for Learninghas support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online, including tips to keep primary aged children safe online
  • Net-awarehas support for parents and carers from the NSPCC, including a guide to social networks, apps and games
  • Let’s Talk About Ithas advice for parents and carers to keep children safe from online radicalisation
  • UK Safer Internet Centrehas tips, advice, guides and other resources to help keep children safe online, including parental controls offered by home internet providers and safety tools on social networks and other online services

NSPCC has advice on setting up parental controls, tips on how to talk to children about online safety, including the risk of sharing and receiving nude images and how to support children if they have seen something online that has upset them


Our Classroom

Reading area

In Class 11 we are lucky to have a nice library area filled with lots of books that we can share and enjoy. We have library monitors who look after the library and keep track of all of the books. We can sign books out of our class library and take them home to share with family and enjoy in their own time.


Our computing area

We have a computer in our classroom which we can use in lesson times and in golden times to do research to help us with our work and to complete different tasks. We have learnt e-safety rules which we have promised to stick by to stay safe when using computers and the internet both in class and at home. We will be following a computing curriculum to enhance your computing skills across the year.


Class Dojos

We award Class Dojos to children in year 5 who are well behaved, try hard in class, are well mannered and help others.



Some fun links for extra practise at home…

Oak Academy Maths – Place Value

Oak Academy Maths – Addition and Subtraction 

Oak Academy Maths – Multiplication and Division

Oak Academy Grammar – Sentences

Oak Academy Literacy – Spellings

Oak Academy Science – Space

Oak Academy Science – Chemistry

BBC Bite Size – Maths and English Year 5 Catch Up 

Top Marks – Hit the Button

Top Marks – Daily Ten

BBC Bitesize – Maths

BBC Bitesize – English

BBC Bitesize – Science

BBC Bitesize – History




We aim for 100% attendance in every class. We want our children in school each day so that they have every opportunity to learn and develop in order to reach their full potential. Dojos are given each week for 100% attendance. 





Children can bring in a healthy snack each day to take onto the playground with them. Good examples are any fruit / vegetables, cheese, toast. Please don't bring in chocolate bars, biscuits, cereal bars or crisps as SMAAA is a healthy school. 



School Dinners

Children can bring in a packed lunch or choose from a range of sandwiches, jacket potatoes or hot dinners.

Sandwiches - Ham, cheese or tuna

Jacket Potatoes - Cheese, beans or tuna

The hot dinner menu can be accessed via the link below







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St Michael & All Angels Primary School

Sidney Powell Avenue, Kirkby, L32 0TP

St Michael & All Angels Primary School, Sidney Powell Avenue, Kirkby, L32 0TP0151 477 8400[email protected]

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