Year 1 Class 3 - Miss Taylor and Class 4 - Miss Rossiter 2024 - 2025

Miss Taylor

Miss Rossiter

St Michael and All Angels Primary


Welcome to Year 1

Class 3 Miss Taylor

Class 4 Miss Rossiter

We would like to wish everyone a warm welcome to our class page. 


We look forward to all the fun activities, adventures and learning we will be exploring together in the coming months.


If you need to speak to a member of our Year 1 team or have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us via calling the Admin staff, emailing [email protected] or chatting when classes have been dismissed at hometime. 


We really appreciate your support and look forward to working with you and your child as the year progresses. 

If you find you have to work from home at any point during this school year then please scroll to the bottom of this page for some useful links to websites and guidance to help with home learning. Please also log in to your Google Classroom account to find activities and lessons to complete each week.  






Our Class Representatives

School Councillors: Class 3 -  

Class 4 - Mylie and Rueben

Worship Warrior: Class 3 - 

Class 4 - Steven

Eco Warrior: Class 3 - 

Class 4 - Jacob

Reading Ambassador: Class 3 - 

Class 4 - Gabriel and Myla

Well Being Champion: Class 3 -

Digital Leader: Class 3 - 

Class 4 -  Hayden




Our Mission Statement

Believe- Achieve-Belong...together with Christ


In the light of St Michael the Archangel, we strive to be champions of all Christians and to the Church itself.


Christ Centred Aim - Believe

  • To live the Gospel values and live life to the full with forgiveness, love and respect and kindness for all


Teaching and Learning Aim - Achieve

  • To learn, grow and inspire as we act as role models when we care for others, the world and the environment

Community Aim - Belong

  • To be messengers of Christ opening a door to the Church for the community to share its Gospel values both locally and globally.


We pray that our patron, St Michael the Archangel protects our school, community and Church.






Our Prayer to St Michael

In the light of St Michael the Archangel, we strive to be champions of all Christians and to the Church itself.

We will believe, achieve and belong together with Christ.

We pray that our patron, St Michael the Archangel protects our school, community and Church.



What are we learning about this half term?

At St Michael and All Angels, we strive to create a magical curriculum that engages our learners with life long learning powers, enabling them to enjoy a creative and enriching experiences  alongside their friends, staff and families.





Religious Education 
Our Autumn topics are: 
 Families, Belonging and Waiting 
Our Spring topics are: 
Special People, Meals and Change 
Our Summer topics are:
Holidays and Holydays, Being Sorry and Neighbours






Autumn Term: We meet God’s love in our family.
To recognise how I am cared for and kept
safe in my family. 

Spring Term: We meet God’s love in our family.
To recognise how I am cared for and kept
safe in my family 

Summer Term: We meet God’s love in our family.
To celebrate ways that God loves and
cares for us.



Phonics is a very important part of Year 1. As we go through the year your child will be learning Set 1, Set 2 and Set 3 sounds to help them with their reading. On your Google Classroom account, you will find all of the sounds your child needs to learn, as well as how to pronounce them. 


As well as learning these sounds, our main aim is for your child to enjoy listening to and talking about stories. 

When reading with/to your child you could: 

  • get them to tell you what is happening in the story,
  • ask them questions about the story,
  • talk about the characters, 
  • talk about what happens next,
  • ask them to retell the story,
  • discuss with them what part of the book they liked best.

Your help with this is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to working with you to help your child’s reading develop



Throughout this year we will be learning to read and write the following words. We will be beginning with Year 1 Common exception words and then as the year progresses some children will be able to move on to the Year 2 words. 

/uploads/495/files/Year 1 and 2 CEW.pdf



You will find below an example of our school’s handwriting style. Please encourage your child to practice their handwriting, and to start and end the formation of each letter in the correct place. 

/uploads/495/files/Cursive Handwriting .pdf




Additional Information

School Dinners

Children can bring in a packed lunch or choose from a range of sandwiches, jacket potatoes or hot dinners. Please click on the link below for the full menu. 

/uploads/495/files/Dinner Menu.pdf



Snack and Water

Your child can bring water in daily. This should be in a reusable bottle with a sports cap top.  We are a healthy school so we do encourage water only.

In Key Stage One, children are provided with a daily snack of fresh fruit.

Children are allowed to bring in their own snack but it must be healthy (toast/fruit).



In Class 3 we say our prayers in the morning, before lunch and before we go home.  We also say the prayers, ‘Hail Mary’ and ‘Our Father’. 




Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. On PE days the children can come to school dressed in their PE kits ready for their lesson.

Kits to be worn to school:

  • Yellow T shirt
  • Royal Blue shorts
  • Jumper/cardigan
  • Black pumps

Children can wear black joggers worn over their PE kit on cold days.


Self-help skills.

Self – help skills are very important in Year 1. 


Please help your child to:-

  • dress themselves
  • fasten buttons and zips
  • use a knife and fork to eat their food
  • practise cutting skills
  • put their shoes on
  • tie shoe laces
  • turn an inside out item of clothing the right way
  • open a packet and peel a banana/tangerine etc.
  • put things in their school bag themselves


All of these activities build fine motor skills and organisation skills which are very important for your child’s development.  It takes time and patience but the hard work is well worth it to build their independence.


Homework and Home reading


Homework will be given out every week on a Friday.

Homework should be brought back to school by Thursday

Home readers will be changed and also given out every week. Your child will need to bring their book back to school on a Thursday for it to be changed by their RWI teacher.

Please keep books at home, until Thursday and read every night with your child. 




Important websites 


Throughout the year the following web pages are always available for some extra practice.



Home Learning 



Please learn at least one sound a day.  Go through the flash through sound clips each day also.  Have some paper at the ready. The sounds are separated into Set 1 and Set 2.  Your child should know which ones they are learning.  Set 1 are mostly single letter sounds and Set 2 are mainly two-letter sounds.  If you are unsure, please contact school and we will advise you.

Set 1 sounds flash through


Set 1 sound lessons





Set 1 sounds








Green words Set 1



Set 2 sounds

ay ‘may I play?’

ee ‘what can you see?’

igh ‘fly high’

ow ‘blow the snow’

oo ‘poo at the zoo’

ir ‘whirl and twirl’

or ‘shut the door’

ar ‘start the car’

oo ‘look at the book’

‘air’ –  ‘that’s not fair’

‘oy’ – ‘toy for a boy’

‘ou’ – ‘shout it out’

or ‘shut the door’


Set 2 speed sounds flash through




Please try to read daily for 10 – 15 minutes. This will help your child to apply their phonic knowledge to decoding and blending sounds to read words.
If you log in to your Google Classroom account, you will find your log in details for Oxford Owl. On here you will find many reading books.
The Read Write Inc books are levelled so if your child is working on Set 1 sounds, access the sound blending books up to purple and for those children working on Set 2 sounds, pink books onwards. There are many other books you can access too.
If you need any advice or you are unsure of levels please do not hesitate to ask and we can tell you were to begin.

Happy reading everyone!



The following document has lots of fantastic ideas for Brain Breaks. They are easy to use at home although they mention being used in the classroom. It is just as important at home as it is in school for children take breaks away from their work to recharge their batteries. They are fun and easy short activities, to keep the children smiling.

Have fun!



Class News

In DT this term we are designing and making bridges. Thank you for all of your boxes and recyling items that you have sent in so far. Look out on this page for photographs of the finished articles!!!








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St Michael & All Angels Primary School

Sidney Powell Avenue, Kirkby, L32 0TP

St Michael & All Angels Primary School, Sidney Powell Avenue, Kirkby, L32 0TP0151 477 8400[email protected]

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