Reception Class 1- Miss Trafford and Class 2 -Mrs Tracey 2024 - 2025
Mrs Tracey
Miss Trafford
Mrs Coyne
Welcome to Reception
Class 1 Miss Trafford
Class 2 Mrs Tracey
Pupil Premium Teacher Mrs Coyne
Miss Sefton (TA)
Mrs Johnstone (TA)
We would like to wish everyone a warm welcome to our year group page.
Our Mission Statement
Believe- Achieve-Belong...together with Christ
In the light of St Michael the Archangel, we strive to be champions of all Christians and to the Church itself.
Reception is part of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). We have lots of fun as we are learning! Here is some information on what we do in Reception!
Our curriculum is made up of seven areas of Learning and Development.
There are three prime areas:
- Personal, Social, Emotional Development
- Communication and Language
- Physical Development
And four specific areas:
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding of the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
We plan our curriculum so our learning is active, play based, creative and includes first-hand experience.
Curriculum Map
Please click here to see what your child will be learning about each half term.
Reception Overview 2024-2025
We are learning about lots of new things this term.
Take a look
What is happening this term in Reception!We are now half way through our academic year. The children have been working hard making progress towards thier early learning goals, are confident with school routines and have built lots of friendships.Literacy/TopicThis term we will be learning all about changes looking closely at how plants, animals, weather and ourselves change and grow over time. The key texts we will be looking at are Seed to Plant (non- Fiction) and Jack in the Beanstalk. We will be doing lots of practical activites such as planting bulbs and seed, so keep you eyes peeled when out walking, what plant, flowers and trees do you see?PhonicsThis term we will continue to follow our Read Write Inc scheme in our phonics groups. We will continues to learn new sounds in our groups especially special friends e.g th and continue to practice blending the sounds togethers to read the word. You can practice your new sounds at home through reading your home reading book, scanning the QR code or logging on to seesaw to acces videos.Mathematics:This term in Maths we will continue to follow our Mastering number programme. We will look at the composition of numbers to 10, identify equal and unequals set, explore doubles and what makes an odd and even number. Also we will continue to practice our counting and subitising skills.REOur Re Topic this term is Desert to Garden. During this topic we will learn about why lent and the Easter celebration important. Also we will listen to the scripture of the events leading up to and including the easter story.What can I do at home to help?Reading to your child every day! Reading allows children to enter a new world, learn new words, new cultures, new experiences and develops imagination. It provides the chance to question, predict and most of all enjoy!
Find reasons to write. Before going shopping, write down lists of what you will need. Ask your child to write down the first sound of the items, whilst shopping ask children to find the b,b,b bread. Draw pictures and write captions of the things you have been doing at home and over the weekends.
Practice recognising your numbers every day and counting out objects to match. Find 1 more and less than numbers and create your own number problems. Count, count count!
Can you create your own maths problems?
If I have 5 sweets but I ate 1 how many would I have left?
How many beads can you put into the pot into 1 minute?
General Information:
Seesaw is used by staff to record children’s learning. Please try to log in regularly to access your children’s achievements and successes and inform us of any out of school activities. We will also post important updates about events happening in both Reception and across the school. Also we post links to videos and games children can use to practice thier learning at home.
Each week we collect £1 which is used to buy snack for your child throughout the week. All contributions are greatly valued to ensure your child has a healthy week at school.
In Reception we learn indoor and outdoor all year round, so it is important that the children have the approiate coat/ accessiores for the weather e.g Thick coat, hat and gloves in the winter / hat, suncream in the summer. Also if possible we encourage children to bring a pair of wellies to leave in school to wear outside in the lovely british rainy weather.
Our planned PE day is a Thursday. Children will be required to come into school in thier full P.E kit on those days.
Homework in Reception is given out every Friday and should be returned by the following Thursday. The homework will consit of a reading for pleasure book for you to read to your child, a phonics reading activity ( a book or QR code) which the children can read themselves and letter formation practice.
School Dinners: Children can either bring in a packed lunch or have a Lunch provided by school which is consits of a choice between a hot meal, Jacket potato or Sandwich. For Jacket potatoes and sandwiches children can choose a filling of ham, cheese or tuna. Please see below for the hot dinner menu that is provided by Knowsley council.
Finally, please ensure that all clothing, bags and water bottles are labelled with your child's name. This helps us to reunite any lost items with thier owner.
Many Thanks for continued support both at home and in school.
Online Safety tips for EYFS
Click on the link below to help your child stay safe online.
EYFS Online Safety Advice for Parents and Carers(1).docx
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