Religious Education Curriculum

We follow the Come and See R.E. Curriculum

Awe and Wonder- the Big Questions

Awe and Wonder week enables pupils and staff to contemplate all that God has given to us and why.

Some Big Questions that we asked during this term include:

Who am I?

Why am I precious?

Why do we have family?

Please see the link below for the RE Long Term Map and content

/uploads/495/files/RE Curriculum Long Term Map .pdf


Autumn Topic 1 Domestic Church

Early Years

Myself God knows and loves each one

Year 1

Family God’s love and care for every family

Year 2

Beginnings God at every beginning

Year 3

Homes God’s dream for every family

Year 4

People The family of God in Scripture

Year 5

Ourselves Created in the image and likeness of God

Year 6

Loving God, who never stops loving

Autumn topic 2: Belonging <-> Baptism/Confirmation


Welcome – Baptism: a welcome to God’s family


Year 1

Belonging – Baptism: an invitation to belong to God’s family


Year 2

Signs & Symbols – Signs and symbols in Baptism


Year 3

Promises – Promises made at Baptism


Year 4

Called – Confirmation: a call to witness


Year 5

Life Choices – Marriage, commitment and service


Year 6

Vocation and Commitment – The vocation of priesthood and religious life


Autumn Topic 3 Loving <-> Advent/Christmas


Birthday – Looking forward to Jesus’ birthday


Year 1

Waiting – Advent: a time to look forward to Christmas


Year 2

Preparations – Advent: preparing to celebrate Christmas


Year 3

Visitors – Advent: waiting for the coming of Jesus


Year 4

Gifts – God’s gift of love and friendship in Jesus


Year 5

Hope – Advent: waiting in joyful hope for Jesus, the Promised One


Year 6

Expectations – Jesus born to show God to the world


Spring Topic 1: Community <-> Local Church


Celebrating – People celebrate in church

Year 1

Special People – People in the parish family


Year 2

Books – The books used in church

Year 3

Journeys – Christian family’s journey with Jesus

Year 4

Community – Life in the local Christian community; ministries in the parish

Year 5

Mission – Continuing Jesus’ mission in the diocese (ecumenism)

Year 6

Sources – The Bible, the special book for the Church

Spring topic 2: Relating <-> Eucharist


Gathering – The parish family gathers to celebrate Eucharist


Year 1

Meals – Mass: Jesus’ special meal

Year 2

Thanksgiving – Mass, a special time for saying thank you to God for everything, especially Jesus

Year 3

Listening & Sharing – Jesus gives himself to us in a special way


Year 4

Giving & Receiving – Living in communion

Year 5

Memorial Sacrifice – The Eucharist: the living memorial of Jesus’ sacrifice

Year 6

Unity – Eucharist enables people to live in communion

Spring topic 3: Giving <-> Lent/Easter


Growing – Looking forward to Easter


Year 1

Change – Lent: a time for change

Year 2

Opportunities – Lent: an opportunity to start anew in order to celebrate Jesus’ new life

Year 3

Giving All – Lent: a time to remember Jesus’ total giving

Year 4

Self-discipline – Celebrating growth to new life

Year 5

Sacrifice – Lent: a time of aligning with the sacrifice already made by Jesus

Year 6

Death & New Life – Celebrating Jesus’ death and resurrection

Summer Topic 3: Universal Church


Our world – God’s wonderful world

Year 1

Neighbours – Neighbours share God’s world

Year 2

Treasures – God’s treasure; the world

Year 3

Special places – Holy places for Jesus and the Christian

Year 4

God’s people – Different saints show people what God is like


Year 5

Stewardship – The Church is called to the stewardship of Creation


Year 6

Common good – Work of the worldwide Christian community



St Michael & All Angels Primary School

Sidney Powell Avenue, Kirkby, L32 0TP

St Michael & All Angels Primary School, Sidney Powell Avenue, Kirkby, L32 0TP0151 477 8400[email protected]

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